Noah Trend

Each Saturday - Simple information - authorized references - hope to be helpful and useful ... !

Marketing environment - Micro & Macro

Marketing environment

the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers .

Business ethics

rules of conduct for an organization .

Codes of ethics

written standards of behavior to which everyone in the organization must subscribe

Corrective advertising

advertising that clarifies or qualifies previous deceptive advertising claims


claims made in advertising of product superiority that cannot be proven true or untrue

Slotting allowance

a free paid by a manufacture to retailer in exchange for agreeing to place products on the retailers shelves

Culture  diversity 

a management practice that actively seeks to include people of different sexes , races , ethnic groups , and religions in an organization's employees , customers , suppliers and distribution channel partners


the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers - the company the company , suppliers , marketing , intermediaries , customer markets , competitors and publics

Cause marketing

marketing activities in which firms seek to have their corporate identity linked to a good cause through advertising , public and publicity .

Green marketing 

a marketing strategy that supports environmental stewardship by creating an environmentally founded differential benefits in the minds of consumers

Environmental stewardship 

a position taken by an organization to protect or enhance the natural environment as it conducts its business activities


a social movement that attempts to protect consumers from harmful business practices

Consumer bill of rights

the rights of consumers to be protected by the federal government


when someone voluntarily offers payment to get an illegal advantage


when someone in authority extracts payment under duress


any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization's ability to achieve its objectives .

Marketing intermediaries

firms that help the company to promote , sell , and distribute its goods to final buyers

World trade

the flow of goods & services among different countries - the value of all the exports and imports of the world's nations

Counter trade 

a type of trade in which goods are paid for with other items instead of the cash


a policy adopted by a government to give domestic companies an advantage .

Import quotas 

limitations set by a government on the amount of a product allowed to enter or leave a company


a quota completely prohibiting specified goods from entering or leaving a country


taxis and imported goods - GA AT - WTO .

macro - environment 

the larger societal forces that affect the micro-environment - demographic - economic - natural - technological - political and culture forces.

Social responsibilities    

a management practice  in which organizations seek to engage in activities that have a positive  effect on society and promote the public good


the study of human populations in term of size , density , location , age , gender , race , occupation and other statistics

Culture value 

a society's deeply held beliefs about right and wrong ways to live

Collectivist cultures

cultures in which people subordinate their personal goals to those of a stable community

Individualist cultures 

cultures in which people tend to attach more importance to personal goals than to those of the large community


specific rules dictating what is right or wrong - acceptable or unacceptable


a norm handed down from the past that controls basic behaviors


costumes with a strong normal overtone


norms regarding the conduct of everyday life


the tendency to prefer products or people of one's own culture

Economic environment

factors that affect consumer buying power and spending patterns

Economic communities 

groups of countries that band together to promote trade among themselves and to make it easier for members nations to compete elsewhere

Economic  infrastructure

the quality of a countries distribution , financial and communications system

Level of economic development

the border economic picture of a country

Less developed country - LDC

a country at lowest stage of economic development

Standard of living 

an indicator of the average quality and quantity of goods and services consumed in a country

Developing countries

countries in which the economy is shifting its emphasis from the agriculture to industry

Developed country

a country that boasts sophisticated marketing systems , strong private enterprise , and beautiful market potential for many goods and services

Business cycle 

the over all patterns of change in the economy - including period of prosperity , rescission , depression and recovery that affect consumer and business purchasing power

 Engel's laws 

Differences noted over a century ago by Ernst Engels in how people shift their spending across food , housing , transportation , health care and others goods and services categories as family income rises

Natural environment

natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that affected by marketing activities

Technological environment 

forces that are create new technologies creating new product and market opportunities

Political environment 

laws , government agencies and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations and individuals in a given society

Culture environment 

institutions and other forces that affect society's basic values , perceptions , preferences and behaviors

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